Tuesday 28 May 2013

Summer 2013 and monitoring athletes

Hey, where did the winter go? And the fall of 2013? Well lets start again. Below is a link to a "survey" or questionnaire I have on Google Drive to help monitor athletes. This link is for your summer activity level. I know there are some of you that play a ton of sports and I am afraid that you are so busy, you may not know how to find the time to eat...., get the right type of rest and how to recover. So that you can go back to your sport after each game or training session and either play your best or get the best training effect possible. So if you can find the time, please click on the link below fill on the survey. (don't worry I am the only one who can see what you say) and if you are really busy maybe I can help you. Maybe you don't need help and that is fine as well.
