Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Summer is going FAST

Well, student athletes are soon back to school. Sorry gang, but September is coming and so are the books. Which also means fall, which means maybe dry land from your club, planning late fall or early on-snow camps, maybe you will get away with your family or friends before the club programs start.
A bit early but THINK SNOW.

I have been a bit lazy posting my fitness sessions. I am really not sure if anyone is interested but I like the idea of maybe someone getting the idea of getting in shape or better shape. Fitness is the greatest of equalizers, not only in skiing. But think about it. We struggle all winter trying to get on -snow as much as we can and make the best out of our time on snow by getting as many training runs in as possible. Some of the others we race against later in the season at Nationals or regional events ski more then us, but we do pretty well. Those things we have a hard time making better. We can only do what we can do with school time and other restrictions like no or few full time coaches who can coach during the week. But what if, just suppose we can be in as good physical condition as other athletes the same age across the country who ski more days than us? Do you think your time on snow that we get might be more benificial? If you the athlete have a good areobic base, meaning your body has better stamina and better ability to work longer do you think you could train even more runs that are effective? Without fitness training an athlete can train for just so long before runs become survival and next to no learning or development is occurring. But if you are strong and can do 2 more runs that are effective your training becomes more effective. So your day on snow is more effective. Maybe this is the way we can narrow the gap as it were when we get to the big important races near the end of the season.
This summer I have tried 2 things. 1) I am really paying attention to what I am eating. I have really cut down on the amount of chemicals that are going into my body. And 2) I have been going to a personal trainer three days a week. I feel so good, I sleep better, I can think better, I have lost weight. I am stronger and happier.

I have been busy but summer is almost over and I kick into high gear gettting ready for my favorite time of the year COACHING.

I will post my session Friday, POWER, I like that one.

Monday, 13 June 2011

WOW that was hard

Last Friday I hit the gym for my fitness session. Looked easy. 4 stations 20 seconds each, 10 second rest between, still sounds easy??? Then it was 8 times around. Not easy. Then to top it off, there was another circuit of 4 more exercises.

To be honest with you, here is what happened. I got through the first 4 exercises all 8 times, no problem? No it was really hard but I did it and I was pretty pleased. Then I had to get into the second go round. Different story, I only got through 4 of the 8 rounds and I mean I was done. DONE.

Then I had to work at the store. again to be honest I really did not feel very good the rest of the morning.

For some reason I find this stuff fun. I worked hard I am feeling stronger and that is the best part. It is hard for me to judge though as my trainer keeps making the sessions harder.

Today I did 15 dead lifts, 20 knees to chest, 25 situps 30 push ups 35 walking lunges. times 4. Then there was another set of 2 exercises back to back with 30 second rest(if you can call it that) times 4. I hurt today as write this.

Enjoy the training gang it pays off you will see.

watch on CBC run run revolution. really good show. It is was on last night. All the athletes should see this.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

today at the ym

I have been going to a personal trainer for over a year now. With the winter so busy I did not do anything this ski season and did I ever notice that the first week of April. We work for a full half hour, might not sound like much but it is full tilt, non stop exercise after exercise.
For example, today things were for 30 seconds at a time. 30 seconds of jump pull-ups, then two laps on the agility ladder, 30 seconds of sling shot lunges, agaility ladder, 30 seconds box jumps, (the middle sized one),ladder, 30 seconds of large tire flips and burpees, back to the ladder, then as many as I could do push ups with the stretch band around my back and shoulders I did this at least 5 times??
This week has been hard, I am at the gym at 7:30 in the morning, a 15 minute warm-up then  the half hour with a retired Pari Officers from the Military. (Frank)
I have been having a harder time this week, not sure why, but this training I think really helps me relate to how the athletes might feel when we as coaches are pushing them hard. I push hard in this, Frank keeps reminding how hard I ask the athletes to work... suddenly I find one or two more reps in me just when I want to move on.
So there we go an example of my work out.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

My first blogging experience

Hey everyone,
I am doing a blog, this should be interesting. On this blog I will post the fitness program I am doing, maybe some photos and maybe even some video.
As we get going I will post some ideas for fitness for the summer and also post some full programs.

I will put links to some cool stuff I am finding all over the interent and some links maybe to other skier's blogs so you can see what they are doing.

So bear with me first time posting stuff on the net. I will try to make this as fun as possible.