Hey everyone, I was surfing on the net a few days ago and I am not sure how I found this video but it is cool. Please take a look at how Mike Janyk from the Canadian Ski Team trains.
There are tons of videos like this from most of the World Cup athletes. Just go to youtube and type in your favorite racers name and you will find lots of stuff.
Ski season is coming, faster than you might think. Some of us have been doing fitness training all summer, some have been playing other sports and getting fitness from that. Either way, all this work this summer will have a positive effect on your on snow training. The better physical fitness you have before the season, the better you will be able to train. If last season you could do three or four training runs a day before you started to feel it in your legs, and this season you can do five or six, that means there are that many more times you can actually make an improvement in your skill.
Fall fitness is starting soon as well. More focused on the fundamental movement skills we as skiers need and more focused on the fundamental sport skills we need as skiers.
Things such as balance, agility, speed, jumping, landing etc. For sport skills things such as timing, reaction, balance, stability. All these things need to be worked on all the time to make sure athletes are at their best.
So once school starts training for skiing and racing starts as well.
Go find videos that you like and your coach will be happy to help you with them.