Wednesday 1 June 2011

today at the ym

I have been going to a personal trainer for over a year now. With the winter so busy I did not do anything this ski season and did I ever notice that the first week of April. We work for a full half hour, might not sound like much but it is full tilt, non stop exercise after exercise.
For example, today things were for 30 seconds at a time. 30 seconds of jump pull-ups, then two laps on the agility ladder, 30 seconds of sling shot lunges, agaility ladder, 30 seconds box jumps, (the middle sized one),ladder, 30 seconds of large tire flips and burpees, back to the ladder, then as many as I could do push ups with the stretch band around my back and shoulders I did this at least 5 times??
This week has been hard, I am at the gym at 7:30 in the morning, a 15 minute warm-up then  the half hour with a retired Pari Officers from the Military. (Frank)
I have been having a harder time this week, not sure why, but this training I think really helps me relate to how the athletes might feel when we as coaches are pushing them hard. I push hard in this, Frank keeps reminding how hard I ask the athletes to work... suddenly I find one or two more reps in me just when I want to move on.
So there we go an example of my work out.

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